-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation Instructions -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To install a version of NoteMan without a Setup program: 1. Create a directory on your hard disk called C:\NOTEMAN. 2. Using PKUNZIP, unzip all the files into the C:\NOTEMAN directory. 3 Open the Program Manager group where you want to put NoteMan. 4. From the Program Manager select FILE/Program Item and press OK. 5. Enter a description, the command line (C:\NOTEMAN\NOTEMAN.EXE) and the working directory (C:\NOTEMAN). 6. Press OK to finish. 7. Double click the NoteMan Icon to start. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To install a version of NoteMan with a Setup program: From a floppy: 1. Insert the installation disk in your floppy drive (A:\ or B:\). 2. Select RUN from the FILE menu of the Program Manager. 3. Type A:\SETUP (or B:\SETUP) and press ENTER. From your hard disk: If you got your copy of NoteMan from a BBS or online service then you will most likely have downloaded a single compressed file containing all the files that make up the NoteMan installation disk. If you wish to run the installation from your hard disk then do the following. 1. Make a directory anywhere on your hard disk. 2. Using PKUNZIP, unzip all the files into this directory. 3. Run the Windows setup program "SETUP.EXE" from this directory. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- NoteMan Files: These go into your NOTEMAN directory. NOTEMAN.EXE - NoteMan executable. NOTEMAN.HLP - NoteMan help file. UTILS.DLL - Utility functions DLL. TOOLBAR.DLL - Toolbar functions DLL. CONVERT.DLL - Database conversion DLL. ORDERFRM.WRI - Order form. These files are used by NoteMan and are in your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. COMPOBJ.DLL - OLE Structured storage DLL. STORAGE.DLL - OLE Structured storage DLL. COMMDLG.DLL - Common dialogs DLL. SHELL.DLL - File Manager drag and drop functions DLL. If you are uninstalling NoteMan then remove all the above files except the following: COMPOBJ.DLL, STORAGE.DLL, COMMDLG.DLL and SHELL.DLL. These files are shared by other Windows programs and should not be deleted. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- NoteMan requires SHARE in order to run properly. If SHARE is not running a message box will appear telling you that you need to run SHARE. NoteMan will then give you the option of allowing it to perform the update for you or you can follow the instructions below. If you get a message from NoteMan informing you that you need SHARE follow the directions below. - If running Windows 3.1 make sure that you are running SHARE.EXE. Add the following line to your CONFIG.SYS: INSTALL=C:\DOS\SHARE.EXE OR add the following line to your AUTOEXEC.BAT ... C:\DOS\SHARE.EXE - If running Windows For Workgroups, make sure the driver VSHARE.386 is included in your SYSTEM.INI file. [386Enh] device=vshare.386 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starting NoteMan automatically: You can have NoteMan start each time Windows starts. Simply add NoteMan to the Windows StartUp group: 1. Open the NoteMan Program Manager group. 2. Open the StartUp Program Manager group. Note: Both these group windows must be visible at the same time. 3. Drag the NoteMan icon over the StartUp group window and drop it. Note: Hold down the CTRL key to take a copy of the icon. --------------------------------------------------------------------------